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Agilent syringes

Agilent GC AS syringes with removable needles

Volume [µl] Needle length [mm] Gauge Tip Gastight
0.5 42 26 Cone ×
0.5 42 23 Cone ×
0.5 42 23-26 Cone ×
1 42 23 Cone ×
5 42 26 Cone ×
5 42 23 Cone ×
5 42 23-26 Cone ×
10 42 26 Cone ×
10 42 23 Cone ×
10 42 26 Cone yes
10 42 23 Cone yes
10 42 23-26 Cone ×
10 42 23-26 Cone yes
25 42 23 Cone ×
50 42 23 Cone ×
100 42 23 Cone ×
250 42 23 Cone ×

Agilent GC AS syringes with fixed needles

Volume [µl] Needle length [mm] Gauge Tip Gastight
5 42 26 Cone ×
5 42 23 Cone ×
5 42 23-26 Cone ×
10 42 26 Cone ×
10 42 23 Cone ×
10 42 23 Cone yes
10 42 23-26 Cone ×
10 42 23-26 Cone yes
25 42 23-26 Cone yes
50 42 23-26 Cone yes
100 42 23-26 Cone yes